XP Days Nordic

    Call For Speakers is Open!

    What are you looking for?

    What would make it a WOW session for you and our participants?

    We’re interested in:

    • Hardcore tech sessions: It’s called Extreme Programming (XP)days for a reason. So we welcome hands-on sessions on new programming languages like Rust, Julia or Elixir and tips and tricks on tried and tested languages like C++, Java or PHP.
    • Cases from organisations: You introduced Agile in your organisation. How did you do that? What happened? What made it a succes? Which challenges did you face?
    • Experiences with new and old techniques like backlog refinement, Mob Programming or NoEstimates. What worked, what didn’t? Why? What have you learned?
    • Unexpected ideas from other disciplines and sciences like HR or Healthcare. How can we cross borders? What lessons have we missed? How can we collaborate better with other disciplines?
    • Ask for help from other participants. Any challenges, technical or social, affecting you at work that you would like to get some advice on. At XPDays there are plenty of people struggling with the same issues willing to help.
    • Pushing the limits of techniques and organisations, doing the impossible. What did you try to challenge commonly accepted assumptions?
    • Back to basics. What happens for example if we really take Extreme Programming values of Simplicity, Commmunication, Feedback, Courage and Respect seriously? Or if we do Scrum the way it was meant to be.
    • Taking back agile. What does agile really mean to you and why is it important?
    • Questioning agile. Where, when and why would you not use agile methods? Why? What can we learn about context and applicability?
    • What is next? Is agile nearing its end, do we need to look beyond? What do we see at the horizon?

    The XP Days community loves highly interactive sessions where everyone participates and learns from each other. And sometimes, we love sinking into a chair and listening to someone telling a captivating story.

    Event Details
    • Start Date
      01 Dec 23 15:00
    • End Date
      31 Mar 24 00:00
    • Address
    Event Details
    • Start Date
      01 Dec 23 15:00
    • End Date
      31 Mar 24 00:00
    • Address