Welcome to Manage Agile, the leading conference of the agile scene in the German-speaking world! Every year, the key players, corporations as well as medium-sized and small companies and their managers meet here to inform themselves about innovations in terms of agile leadership and to pass on their learnings to the companies.
Our goal is to advance the change process in companies and to analyze how agile projects and ways of thinking influence the organization. Our program therefore focuses on agile leadership, transformative leadership, corporate organization, team building and future trends.
Discuss polarizing and rarely addressed topics with experts and like-minded people and exchange ideas with a variety of people. Whether you participate as an agile beginner, advanced or expert, everyone can easily get into conversation here.
We start on the 12th. November with workshops that deepen the topics of the conference. On the 13th and 14th November is all about the conference experience. Learn more about the current state of agility research, use agility as a competitive advantage, and explore what comes after agile.
Why you should be there:
- Expand your knowledge of agile methods and leadership skills
- Make valuable contacts and expand your professional network
- Benefit from inspiring speakers and innovative approaches
- Learn about the latest trends, research results and developments
- Create a learning culture where mistakes are seen as opportunities for improvement.
- Set on transparent communication, open dialogue and a culture of collaboration
- Promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences