Embark for the next millennium!
Why agility?
Agility is a response to the increasingly complex nature of the changing environment of organizations.
It is based on strong human values and team autonomy.
The Agile Normandy Club
The Agile Club is a non-profit association born from the desire to promote the values of agility, first in the Caen region, then throughout Normandy.
The Club is aimed at any professional structure, whether public, private, independent, associative or educational.
The main activities of the Club are the animation of workshops in the form of Meet’up in Caen, Cherbourg, Saint Lô, Rouen and also online. Every year, a day dedicated to Agility is organized: the Agile Spring.
The members that make it up are from diverse backgrounds and appropriate agile tools that can adapt to any professional or personal organization in a benevolent framework.